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Kevin Jolley is a Managing Director at Shields & Company. Mr. Jolley has over 20 years of experience advising clients on complex transactions, including buy-side and sell-side M&A, public offerings, and private placements. Mr. Jolley has completed transactions across a variety of industries including business services, consumer products & services, healthcare, industrial products & services, medical devices, specialty distribution, and technology.

Prior to joining Shields & Company in 2024, Kevin was a Managing Director in the Strategic Capital group at TD Cowen, where he managed the firm’s relationships with private equity firms primarily located in the Northeast. Previously, he was a Managing Director at MHT Partners, where he co-led the firm’s Business & Information Services industry practice and the Buyer Advisory practice. His prior experience also includes advising middle-market business owners on mergers & acquisitions while at Capstone Partners and Adams Harkness, working in the Debt Capital Markets Group of FleetBoston Robertson Stephens, and completing M&A transactions in the Corporate Development department at Textron Inc. Mr. Jolley started his career in finance at Oracle Corporation.

Mr. Jolley lives in Wellesley with his wife, three daughters, and dog.


Mr. Jolley holds the following FINRA registrations: Series 7, 63, and 79.


BA Brown University
MBA The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania